Thursday, 29 April 2010
THE DEATH OF A COUNTRY. Least we forget

Imagine loosing all the Red Sox players. No more Rocket, Pena,Vaughn, Fletcher, Greenwell, nothing. All gone. All at once. The buddingCharlotte Hornets, pride of North Carolina. Larry Johnson, Alonzo Mourningprimed, ready for the playoffs. Beating Boston, then gone. All in the blinkof an eye.
On April 27th, 1993, a military plane carrying 30 passengerscrashed into the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Gabon. John Starkshead-butting of Reggie Miller during the Knick-Pacer series received moremedia attention. The crash killed 18 of Zambia's top football (soccer)players as well as the hopes and dreams of 8 million people. The tragedy canbe likened to the Peruvian plane crash that eventually became a movie. Thedifference is, no one survived. In Africa, death is viewed with reverance, soyou can be sure there will be no movies.
Most of the players came from humble beginnings. As kids theywalked the streets seeking papers to wrap up and make into balls. They playedfootball barefoot late into the night. Their play was a means of ignoringthe growling in their empty bellies. This scenario epitomizes the beginningsof many "third world" players. From dust fields to plush greens, reaching theWorld Cup is the dream of every competitive soccer player. Our dust field,barefooted players were taking us to the World Cup, we had little doubt. In acountry where the average man spends his time figuring out how to get hisnext meal, there is little that can equal the loss. To fully comprehend this,one must understand that football is the main form of recreation in Zambia.It is the avenue with which the daily rigors of basic survival are forgotten.All political, social and economic differences are put on hold. The countryunites. Brothers and sisters with one goal, "cheer the boys".
Yes Africa has problems. People are starving in Ethiopia and Somalia,brothers and sisters constantly dodge bullets in South Africa, dictators,uneducated leaders, corrupt governments, large scale poverty, disease andother grave problems too numerous to mention. Africa also has manyquestions. Is the West perpetuating our plight? Are we being taught tablemanners and not how to grow and cook food? Has there been a systematicplan to target us for destruction? How much more of this forked tongue, doublestandard super power alliance garbage is necessary before Africa can get realhelp? We recognized all the questions but, like a cult, were oblivious tothem as we watched our team progress along the ladder towards the World Cup.
We were oblivious to discussions of reparations for descendants ofslaves, social and economic impacts of the slave trade, western influence inAfrican politics, the prosecution of those that assassinated Patrice Lumumbaand conditional aid. All we could see was the inevitable berth in oneof the World Cup groups. We didn't have illusions of grandeur. We would notwin but at least we would be there. As the dust from our drought ridden landrose around us, we ignored the little fingers of our children prodding us,innocent eyes begging for sustenance. Like avid baseball fans during thepenchant race we were glued to the television, beer in hand. We answered allquestions without once taking our eyes off the screen. Afterall we didn't wantto miss the "Bwalya pass" that set-up the goal. Similar to basketball fansnot wanting to miss a second of Micheal Jordans 54 point performance, weignored our wives. Our love-lives suffered. We put aside our hunger. We hadour football and we could taste the World Cup.
The Zambian team following became a cult. Born of a need to ventfrustration, our cult believed that the team could conquer all. We couldsee the promised land. The team, young and vivacious, led us on. The cultgained fevour after an exemplary performance in the Seoul, Korea Olympics.The highlight of which was, beating Italy 4-0. Yes, this was our triumph."Our boys" had beaten the hunger, colonialism, apartheid, illiteracy,violence, disease and neo-colonialism, if but for a moment. We cheered themon. They were representing us. Each deft move, each goal was a personalvictory for each Zambian. In their triumphs each of us won a personal battle.Our cult leaders led us in the pursuit of a little gold cup that would bringwith it an unimaginable national achievement. But alas, the ugly hand of fatereached out.
Two generations of players were lost. Godfrey "Ucar" Chitalu, coach,once the most feared and revered striker on the African continent died in thecrash. He in the 70's, was what Abedi Pele', Nii Lamptey, Charles Musonda andKalusha Bwalya aspire to be. Usually double marked by opposing teams, he wasdifficult to contain. As a player, he had led the national team to thefinals of the 1974 Africa Cup of Nations competition. It was the countrieshope that his leadership and that of Alex Chola (the first Zambianprofessional player) would lead us all the way. We lost these men and more,all in the span of seconds.
Our dreams were lost in those few seconds that it took to extinguish30 lives. Never in our history had there been a tragedy of this magnitude. Italso could not have come at a more inopportune time. A state funeral, a weekof national mourning with the burial of the players, officials and crew atLusaka's Independence stadium closed the chapter on Zambia's greatesttragedy. But our dilemma is just beginning. We can't pull out of the cup.This would not be fair on the nation, our fallen heroes or the players thatare still competing.The rebuilding process has begun with the new teamplaying a few local matches. We have also received great support from Denmarkand England. Denmark offered an all expenses paid training session England, aprofessional trainer. Even with all this help, many of us do not feel asdeeply about the new team. We find it hard to have similar expectations ofthem. So excuse us if our attention; to our qualifying for the World Cup; iswaivering.
We are now more cognizant of our children prodding us. Their facesare coming into focus. The grumble in our bellies is becoming prominent. We canhear the voices of our wives as they shout " you never listen to me". We haveno excuse to buy beer instead of food. Our televisions are off and we mustnow pay attention to what the kids are doing in school.
We want to blame someone for the crash? Who do we blame? God? Whatrestitution will we find as we now turn to face our daily nemesis survival?Will the two month grace period requested by President Chiluba of Zambia forthe rebuilding of the team bring with it a respite from our daily torment?Will this rebuilding translate into a more focused national agenda? Does theWest plan on standing by as Africa is ravaged by all imaginable forms ofproblems? We do not expect handouts but just like there was an inherentlystrong show of force in the Gulf (protecting oil); we expect similar muscleflexing to the cascade of problems that plague Africa. We shall continue topoint fingers until those responsible for creating and perpetuating ourproblems make a concerted effort to help or, the grumbling in our belliesbecomes less noticeable.
As if adding insult to injury, FIFA denied our request to postponethe first games until September. We would not get a chance to breath. Storieshave begun flying around our country about the condition of the aircraft. Wehear it was faulty, was not pressurized and had numerous mechanical failures init's history. If this is the case then "our boys" should not have been on thatplane. The government has set-up a trust fund for the families of the playersand yet what they really should be doing is paying out of their coffers.Afterall, it was a government plane and with the capitalist ideas thathave become inherent in our system, families may just up and sue for allit's worth. "Hey, that's what I would do". But then again, this is unheard of.
We grieve because our dreams have died and all that is left to us isanger, hunger, despair and the rantings and erratic behaviour of uneducatedpoliticians.
Written By,Soneka K. Kamuhuza.
14 Jul 1993
Press Statement From ULP On SECTOR CODES

The United Liberal Party (ULP) is pleased that government has started the process of introducing sector codes in various areas of the economy. However we would like to appeal to the government to take deliberate steps that will ensure that the sector codes benefits especially ordinary Zambians who are capable but have no economic resources.
The ULP also has several concerns regarding the route which the Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission (CEEC) is using to implement the sector codes. The United Liberal Party (ULP) feels that the process of developing sector codes should not be left in the hands of companies alone.
The recent history in labour relations between workers and owners of most companies clearly indicate that they cannot be trusted to come up with codes that will benefit ordinary Zambians. There is need for government to provide the lead in developing the sector codes in collaboration with the private sector.
On July, 29, 2009 the ULP presented a motion in Parliament that was urging government to urgently develop and gazette citizens’ economic empowerment sector codes for the benefit of ordinary Zambians. The ULP proposed priority areas in which government should gazette the sector codes as mining, agriculture, tourism, infrastructure development, education, health and financial services.
Instead of giving companies a blank check on sector codes government should provide a guide such as sector codes meaning levels of involvement with which we want ordinary and poor Zambians to participate in the main stream economic activities of this country through ownership of a meaningful percentage of shares.
This should include companies that are already involved in the priority areas of this economy and the foreign companies that wish to invest in areas such as mining and infrastructure development. This will help us ensure that empowerment programmes truly benefit the ordinary indigenous Zambians.
For an example government should ensure those foreign companies that are currently involved in road rehabilitation and other infrastructure development works surrender not less than 35% of their controlling shares to indigenous Zambians who will be identified under the citizens’ economic empowerment programme.
Sector coding in the mining industry should include employee share ownership where companies could give up a percentage of their controlling shares and issue at least 1.5% share capital at current market value to workers. This will help to improve the welfare of workers and encourage high productivity in vital sectors of the economy.
The poor people of this country do not have the luxury of time to wait for six months for companies to develop their own codes which might not be beneficial to the ordinary citizens. We feel that three months would be adequate for government and the private sector to work together on the development of sector codes. This is more especially since the legislation was passed four years ago.
Sakwiba Sikota SC
United Liberal Party (ULP)
April 29, 2010
United Liberal Party (ULP)
April 29, 2010
Monday, 26 April 2010
Acquire trade rating, African states told

AN ECONOMIST Dambisa Moyo has challenged African countries including Zambia to ensure that they acquire credit ratings and enhance the ease of doing business to enable them attract more investors.
Dr Moyo, who is author of the world renowned book ‘Dead Aid’, said it is sad that only 19 African countries are currently rated and that many African countries are doing badly on the International Transparency corruption perception index.
She said this when she addressed the 3rd Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Investment Forum during a formal discussion hosted by Blomberg archor personality Maryam Namazee.
Dr Moyo said investors usually ask firstly whether a country is rated or not. She said credit ratings are not expensive and it is important for countries to consider acquiring them if they want to attract more investors.
Zambia is in the process of resuming its efforts to acquire a sovereign rating after earlier efforts were abandoned in the wake of the global financial crisis.Bank of Zambia governor Caleb Fundanga said Zambia has resumed the process of acquiring a sovereign rating.
Dr Moyo told the gathering that many African countries are also doing badly on the World Bank’s doing business index.
Dr Moyo, a Zambian, previously worked at the World Bank in Washington, DC. She is currently a member of the Boards of Lundin Petroleum and SAB Miller.She said that despite going through a genocide 15 years ago, Rwanda is now ranked as the most improved in the 2009 World Bank’s doing business report.
She said if African countries want to attract investments, they should be mindful that they are competing with other regions worldwide and should ensure they perform well on the corruption perception index as well as reduce the cost of doing business.
Dr Moyo said that whether African countries are really corrupt or are just perceived to be, the perception on the Transparency International Index matters to investors.
The forum, which ended on Tuesday, was attended by over 500 people, including businesspersons and policy-makers such as ministers, from 19 COMESA member states.
The forum discussed investment opportunities in the region.

THE Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) has arrested two businesswomen in Lusaka’s Kaunda Square Township for trafficking in cocaine weighing about one kilogramme.
The commission identified the suspects as Atines Folotiya aged 58, a resident of Kaunda Square and Ana Daka, 57, a resident of Twapya in Ndola, who were arrested following a search at Ms Folotiya’s house in Kaunda Square In Lusaka.
DEC Public Relations Manager John Nyawali who disclosed the arrest yesterday, said the duo was found with about a kilogramme of cocaine and about four kilogrammes of ephedrine, a controlled chemical which is sometimes used to manufacture stimulant drugs that are popular among youths.
Mr Nyawali said the two are suspected to have trafficked the narcotics from an East African neighbouring country.
[Times of Zambia]
[Times of Zambia]
Violence In Mufumbwe
The violence being carried out in Mufumbwe is indeed a sad development in the nineteen years since Zambia’s return to multi party politics or the third republic.
The fact that the sitting government has allowed this anarchy to continue seems to send out a message that they will do all that’s in their power to hold on to political power ignoring the will of the people. The will of the people is the cornerstone of democracy and we all know that the principles of democracy were written hundreds of years ago and to return to violence is to abandon democracy totally.
We say this in the wake of the violence carried out by MMD carders in full view of the Inspector General of police who is said to be vying for a parliamentary seat on the MMD ticket. If that is the case it’s another issue that needs to be confronted as this borders if not is the abuse of office and he therefore should step down. We would feather state that his failure to order the riot police to deal with the thugs that were perpetrating the violence is a total lack of leadership required for the position he holds.
MMD must at all costs rein in their carders for they are the ruling party and to have the nation in arms will only stifle the development of Zambia and the so called courted investors will slowly wilt away.
The leaders of MMD must realize that it’s not about staying in power but the future of Zambia as individuals we will all pass on but Zambia will remain note all those that have passed on including late president Mwanawasa have been replaced so lets have a mindset that puts Zambia first not our own self serving needs.
To the UPND/PF pact restraint is something that you will have to also instill in your carders for to retaliate only causes more friction that we as a nation do not need at all. Stop the Violence its not worth it after all we are all Zambian
The fact that the sitting government has allowed this anarchy to continue seems to send out a message that they will do all that’s in their power to hold on to political power ignoring the will of the people. The will of the people is the cornerstone of democracy and we all know that the principles of democracy were written hundreds of years ago and to return to violence is to abandon democracy totally.
We say this in the wake of the violence carried out by MMD carders in full view of the Inspector General of police who is said to be vying for a parliamentary seat on the MMD ticket. If that is the case it’s another issue that needs to be confronted as this borders if not is the abuse of office and he therefore should step down. We would feather state that his failure to order the riot police to deal with the thugs that were perpetrating the violence is a total lack of leadership required for the position he holds.
MMD must at all costs rein in their carders for they are the ruling party and to have the nation in arms will only stifle the development of Zambia and the so called courted investors will slowly wilt away.
The leaders of MMD must realize that it’s not about staying in power but the future of Zambia as individuals we will all pass on but Zambia will remain note all those that have passed on including late president Mwanawasa have been replaced so lets have a mindset that puts Zambia first not our own self serving needs.
To the UPND/PF pact restraint is something that you will have to also instill in your carders for to retaliate only causes more friction that we as a nation do not need at all. Stop the Violence its not worth it after all we are all Zambian
MISA says Zambian govt wants to curtail freedoms
The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) Regional Secretariat in Namibia has expressed deep concern at the Zambian Government attempt to impose statutory regulation on the media and has called on the Zambian media to unite in rejecting the move.
MISA Regional Director Kaitira Kandjii says Government’s insistence on a statutory media self-regulation mechanism is inappropriate, unnecessary and aimed at nothing but controlling the media.He says the stunt by government is in bad faith and a strategy to curtail media independence and freedom in Zambia.
Mr Kandjii says it unacceptable and gravely worrying that Government should seek to impose its will and overturn the Fringilla consensus on what self-regulation system suits the media.He notes that the Zambian media have made credible efforts in to develop a mechanism to regulate themselves under difficult circumstances, characterized by unending threats.
He adds that at a minimum, Government has a duty to support, and not impose and jeopardize this process.Mr Kandjii further states that voluntary, non-statutory media councils are the recommended form of media regulation under international law, including article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 9 of the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights.
He says MISA finds it disturbing that Government keeps changing its positions, having earlier supported the efforts of the Media Liaison Committee, describing the U-turn as unfortunate and one that raises suspicionHe adds that MISA is left to wonder what the true intentions of Government have been all along.Mr Kandjii further adds that the Kenyan mode of statutory self regulation which Government favors is not an option for Zambia, observing that a statutory regulatory mechanism in whatever form shape, will undermine Article 20 of the Zambian constitution, which guarantees freedom of expression, including media freedom.He has since called on the Zambian Government to urgently review its stance on statutory regulation, and end its circus
MISA Regional Director Kaitira Kandjii says Government’s insistence on a statutory media self-regulation mechanism is inappropriate, unnecessary and aimed at nothing but controlling the media.He says the stunt by government is in bad faith and a strategy to curtail media independence and freedom in Zambia.
Mr Kandjii says it unacceptable and gravely worrying that Government should seek to impose its will and overturn the Fringilla consensus on what self-regulation system suits the media.He notes that the Zambian media have made credible efforts in to develop a mechanism to regulate themselves under difficult circumstances, characterized by unending threats.
He adds that at a minimum, Government has a duty to support, and not impose and jeopardize this process.Mr Kandjii further states that voluntary, non-statutory media councils are the recommended form of media regulation under international law, including article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 9 of the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights.
He says MISA finds it disturbing that Government keeps changing its positions, having earlier supported the efforts of the Media Liaison Committee, describing the U-turn as unfortunate and one that raises suspicionHe adds that MISA is left to wonder what the true intentions of Government have been all along.Mr Kandjii further adds that the Kenyan mode of statutory self regulation which Government favors is not an option for Zambia, observing that a statutory regulatory mechanism in whatever form shape, will undermine Article 20 of the Zambian constitution, which guarantees freedom of expression, including media freedom.He has since called on the Zambian Government to urgently review its stance on statutory regulation, and end its circus
Zambia among USAID nutrition project strategy beneficiaries
Zambia has been selected as a beneficiary for the USAID Feed the Future strategy, a comprehensive initiative that aims at reducing hunger and under-nutrition at national level.
Following a meeting on malnutrition between the World Bank, Japan, USAID and Canada on Saturday, it was announced that 12 priority countries, including Zambia, were going to benefit from the Feed the Future strategy.
USAID’s Feed the Future strategy is a comprehensive initiative that targets the causes of hunger and aims to reduce poverty, hunger, and under-nutrition at national scale.USAID is working with governments in Africa, Asia, and Latin America to develop comprehensive, multi-sectoral plans to invest in food security and nutrition, including programs to boost agricultural productivity, expand access to markets, reduce under nutrition, and improve resilience to food security shocks.
Feed the Future priority countries included Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia in Africa; Bangladesh, Cambodia, Nepal, and Tajikistan in Asia; and Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, and Nicaragua in Latin America.
With malnutrition causing the deaths of as many as three million mothers and young children every year, ministers, heads of development agencies, and civil society organisations attending the World Bank and IMF Spring Meetings are appealing to governments worldwide to invest more in halving the rate of malnutrition, one of the 2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
The meeting for a high-level nutrition roundtable in Washington—co-hosted by Canada, Japan, the United States, through the US Agency for International Development (USAID), and the World Bank heard how better nutrition, called the "forgotten MDG" for its historical neglect by aid donors, would not only sharply reduce hunger and malnutrition but also would significantly improve the health of mothers and children worldwide since research shows that malnourished mothers cannot deliver healthy children, and undernourished children are more likely to die.
By Post Reporter Mutale Kapekele in Washington DC
Following a meeting on malnutrition between the World Bank, Japan, USAID and Canada on Saturday, it was announced that 12 priority countries, including Zambia, were going to benefit from the Feed the Future strategy.
USAID’s Feed the Future strategy is a comprehensive initiative that targets the causes of hunger and aims to reduce poverty, hunger, and under-nutrition at national scale.USAID is working with governments in Africa, Asia, and Latin America to develop comprehensive, multi-sectoral plans to invest in food security and nutrition, including programs to boost agricultural productivity, expand access to markets, reduce under nutrition, and improve resilience to food security shocks.
Feed the Future priority countries included Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia in Africa; Bangladesh, Cambodia, Nepal, and Tajikistan in Asia; and Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, and Nicaragua in Latin America.
With malnutrition causing the deaths of as many as three million mothers and young children every year, ministers, heads of development agencies, and civil society organisations attending the World Bank and IMF Spring Meetings are appealing to governments worldwide to invest more in halving the rate of malnutrition, one of the 2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
The meeting for a high-level nutrition roundtable in Washington—co-hosted by Canada, Japan, the United States, through the US Agency for International Development (USAID), and the World Bank heard how better nutrition, called the "forgotten MDG" for its historical neglect by aid donors, would not only sharply reduce hunger and malnutrition but also would significantly improve the health of mothers and children worldwide since research shows that malnourished mothers cannot deliver healthy children, and undernourished children are more likely to die.
By Post Reporter Mutale Kapekele in Washington DC
Sunday, 25 April 2010
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Tuesday, 20 April 2010
10 things African WOMEN must CHANGE by Mubita C. Nawa

Talking about an African woman in the context of change is as taboo as asking the Chinese to adjust the measurements of the Great Wall of China. The very notion of women changing is nerve wrecking because women in Africa, like women the world over, have contributed immensely to civilization as we know it today.
The African woman built the economies of the world. While her men were shipped to far lands in chains and yokes, she tended her land and cared for her own. As her men were deep in the gold and copper mines, she prepared warm baths and warm meals for them to return to. She cradled the harshness of colonial masters and calmed her man to avert the break out of war all the while absorbing the cultural shock that civility imposed.
She discerned the insincerity of the missionary and alerted her man to be careful in his dealings with the bible and riffle brandishing missionary. While men schemed ways to fight and chase colonialists, the woman sung spirited songs that soothed the mind of the freedom fighter. It was her, who liberated Africa.
Occasionally, the African woman picked up arms to fight in the natural and artificial battles that man entangled himself. In those rare moments, that tamed beast in all of us became visible. It brought to the fore a woman’s ability to summon great resolve when her back is pinned against the wall. In war, she has been a victim of rape, in peace she has been a victim of ignorance. In triumph she has been used to sing jubilant praise for her leaders and in defeat, the African woman has been used to mop the blood stained streets of Africa while deep in her heart she nursed her own wounds of insecurities.
The African woman is dark and lovely, distinguished, curvy and sometimes canning. But she is a noble woman. She is a mother, a sister, and a wife to all of us. Her accolades bounce through medieval times, to Mesopotamian times, and to modernity.
However, in order for this woman to continue in her vibe, she needs to modify her psychological posture, and in some cases her physical demeanor, so that her relevance is guaranteed. Change is inevitable. When change begins with a woman, that change is unstoppable no matter who stands in its way.
Here are the 10 things an African Woman must Change. Some items on this list are representative of deeper seated African cultures while others are forward-thinking ways to increase a woman’s sphere of influence.
1. Answer Your Phone: The number one complaint from a lot of men regarding women is not infidelity or clumsiness; it is the inability by women to answer their phones. Cell phones in particular. And the excuse from women is, “It was in my bag. I did not hear it ring.” Your inability to answer your phone will cost you three things:
a. Opportunities will pass you by and go to someone who answers their phone.
b. You will loose your respect because people will consider you a scatter brain.
c. Your relationships will be spoilt as you always have to fight and explain why you did not hear your phone.
More than any thing, not answering your phone means you are disorganized and you lack concern and care for what is important to others first and to you last of all. So get organized and carry your phone with you. There is a reason it is called a mobile phone; coz it is mobile. In short point number one could have easily read, get organized.
Know where your stuff is; find your birth certificate, your marriage certificate if you have one. Know where your title deeds are and when you find them keep them safe. Often what worries men about your disorganization is really one thing; “Will this woman manage when I am dead and gone?” A man can only be assured by your level of personal organization now.
This is not only about getting organized for the sake of men. It is also about getting organized for your sake. So that you can compete in any country, any culture in this world.
2. Leave Your Skin Alone: There is a reason you have that dark pigment called Melanin. It is a good thing and not a bad thing. Instead of the African woman looking for books to read and looking for investment and growth opportunities, she is looking for chemicals that will bleach her skin the deepest. She will alter her outside to look like a Barbie. But her inside will still be riddled with deep seated self esteem scars. And guess who is laughing the most? The men. Enlightened men have no appreciation of any short circuit to Gods wondrous creation.
Please we beg you as your men and your children, we want you natural. Just the way God gave you to us. You can use other augmentations and make up, but leave your skin alone.
3. Go Back to the Basics: The basics defer from person to person and from subculture to subculture. But find out what drove you before and go back to it. Some basics are bad and must be disdained. But others, most of them, are powerful and make an African woman who she is. For example, an African woman has respect. She gives and commands respect. A woman who will kneel down or at the very least do the knee-bend when serving is a woman with respect. A sexy woman but one who is still descent enough not to parade her assets in the streets to all and sundry is a woman of respect. Those are basics. Even the bible in Proverbs 31 speaks about these basics. We must watch E- Channel but we must not embrace everything we see on E-Channel. Some African women are swept off their feet by The Playboy Mansion, Kendra, and all these celebrities whose morals are questionable.
4. Shut UP: Don’t talk too much. Learn to mind your words. Men hate two the most: words and questions. Not snakes and needles. But words. You can’t be talking all the time. When do you think? A great woman is one who speaks when it is the right time to speak. And when she does speak, everyone listens to her. If you talk too much, you will give up respect.
5. Close Your Womb: Having children is a wonderful gift. But having too many children is a wonderful problem. Some African women still think like yesterday; the more children the happier. How many children can you have? At some point you must stop. One of the reasons China is a powerful country I believe is because of the one child policy. With fewer children, you liberate yourself to do other things and you raise better children (exceptions do apply). God gave you a mind, hands, feet and not just you back to lie on. And if your man wants more children, tell him you can adopt. By the way, family planning is primarily a woman’s business. When a woman says no, it is no. Can I get an Amen?
6. Raise Great Children: Preferably children whose fathers are there in your life and the life of your children. Be careful not to emulate some cultures where women mother children for economic reasons. Children are a gift from God. Raise them well. Spend time with them and tell them how great they are. Read great books to them. Introduce them to great mentors. Protect their innocence. And the day your daughter tells you someone has raped her or touched her inappropriately, for goodness sake believe her and do something about it. Too many women are sacrificing their own children over useless men they have allowed to come into their lives. Some of these men are only after a woman’s purse, pelvic and power. In raising great children, discretion must be exercised about your own indiscretions and idiosyncrasies. Many years ago, we never saw our mothers flirting, kissing or even demonstrate the wrongs they did. We never even saw them have sex. We only saw pregnancies. But today’s woman will do any and everything to please a man without realizing she is damaging children who are tomorrow’s leaders. All along mirroring and modeling a life that will damage her own children; born or unborn.
7. Trust your Man: Trust is a better weapon than suspicion. Browsing through someone’s phone is not cool. You will find whatever you are looking for and your heart will be broken. By the same token to all the men who check their wives phones that is the most un-rocking gesture you can ever give a woman. It is the highest form of mistrust. People are innocent until proven guilty not the other way round. In fact, trust makes a person in your life change their behavior. They will say, “I can’t do this because she trusts me.” If you don’t trust, they say; “I will do it after all she does not even trust me.” When you trust people, you show them that you yourself are trust worthy and you free them towards loyalty not scandal.
8. Choose Your Fights Carefully: You can not fight in every fight. Today it is in-laws tomorrow siblings the next day work. Men have a higher tolerance of conflict than do women (In part because men start those conflicts anyway). When a woman fights, she does not rest until she sees blood. You must chill. Fight sparingly. Some battles are better left in the hands of God. He will vindicate you. Don’t go to that workplace of so and so to fight. Leave it alone. One of the great ways to fight is walking away. That way you conserve your energy and prepare for better things in your life.
9. Leave Another Woman’s Man alone: This is a hot topic. I am not even sure I am qualified to tackle it. But many African women have no faith in themselves. They would rather harvest a fruit another woman has toiled to plant and cultivate. There are even women who do nothing but destabilize homes. There are women who have never gone out with a single man. All their men have been married. What in the name of shrimp is wrong with you? Lets face it, some marriages are dead anyway and your presence or absence does not make a difference in that home. But it is still wrong. I also know that there are fewer and fewer single men who are serious these days. A lot of single men are themselves caught up with multiple partners because they still want to play. This leaves the serious minded woman to settle for married men because married men are more stable and mature. Whatever the case, decide which path you will take as an African woman and take it with dignity and sobriety. Someone has to break this vicious circle and I am counting on you.
10. Get a Life: Women in Africa (our mothers at least) got into marriage and forgot about themselves. They dedicated everything they had to the family. They stayed home while the husband went to work; they cooked and ironed the children’s clothes. They did it all. One day these mothers realized the children were grown and gone, the men had multiple degrees and the women had nothing. And I mean nothing. What led to that? These women had no life. They gave up everything for an institution. They gave up everything in the name of family and in the name of raising children.
This modern woman must change. She must change her ways if she is going to win on the byways of life. Some of you women tell your men everything but your men tell you nothing. You tell them where your money is, how much you make, you have even given him an ATM card to your account but you don’t have one to his account. You have let men put all the title deeds in their names while none are in yours. Your men drive all the cars but you have no license to drive even a bike. Your men can go out for dinner and you have to stay home all the time. Get a life. You are a woman first, a wife second and a mother last. In that order you were created and you must take care of yourself. Go shopping every now and then. Go and party with descent friends. Attend weddings, schools, seminars and dress well. I am not talking about rebellious infidel women who want to rule the world with scorn, malice and fierce corrupt competition with men. I am referring to shrewd women who allow the world to underestimate them only because the world does not know what is up their sleeves. I am talking about women who don’t sponsor men’s lifestyles that are scandalous at best and mischievous at worst. I am talking about women who allow men to be hunters. Today’s African woman buys talk time for her man (all the time) and sponsors him to his drinking sprees while she languishes in worry.
She has weakened the resolve of man to provide because she wants to provide everything in the name of fearing to lose everything. And that man like a tamed and domesticated lion has nothing but dull teeth that can’t kill a single mosquito.
I know there are men out there who are intimidated by women who are more educated, who earn more money, or just look good. But let me tell you the truth; a real man is a real man and he will share power, he will support, he will celebrate a great woman no matter how much or how little she makes.
Don’t be one of those women who suddenly because they have money and power want to drive like a man, look like a man, drink like a man and smoke like a man. There are certain things women must never do. Not because it is right for men to do them. But because it is women are noble and kingly in their feminine way. And when women go ‘bad’, they really go bad.
Get a life and let your life shine like that of Mother Theresa. Get a life and let it shine like Oprah who fought in mans world not through manipulation but by gently grabbing power from men. Let your life shine like that of Wangari Matai who the Kenyan government tried to silence but her trees spoke for herself. She went out there and did well. Her deeds won her respect and even recognition for the Nobel Loriets. Get a life and rule your man like Michel Obama who gently guides her man to be moderate. If you ask me who the ‘president’ of America is, I will say it is that powerful woman who has found her place in life, has defined herself without the world defining her, and has liberated her man to be a great man.
Great men, real men, don’t want a woman who has no vision. Great men, want and deserve great women. Just as do great women; they too deserve great men.
Our continent is yearning for development. It is crying daily for men and women across this continent to take their rightful places. The best place in my view is not for men to suppress women and view them as sex slaves or any other slave for that matter. It is not for women to crave power so much that they lose it. I would even caution you, never fight a man head to head, you may not win. The best way to fight men is through power play. It is doing it like the way the German Preside does it. It begins with individual women finding their place in God, in society and in this continent.
Will women use their female prowess to manipulate and compromise their way to the top? Or will they anchor themselves in dogmatic resolves that unites all women around Africa and the world and then fight the greatest oppression of all; the compromise of who a true African woman is.
To label this article chauvinist would be as cheap as labeling the article ‘10 Reasons Why AFRICAN MEN DON’T ROCK’ sexist. Rather, both pieces of work must be devoured with noble intentions while sifting through nuggets of truth that apply.
All in all, women are the foundations of all society. They are the pivot of homes, schools, academia, and society. Men may be better at initiating, but women are better completers and finishers. We need the African woman to arise and bring real change to Africa. She can rule this continent if only she can rule herself, her emotions and her peers. That in essence is what true leadership is all about. Mwaaaaaaaaaaaah.
The author Mubita C. Nawa admits that he is a product of great women including his late mother Mrs. Patricia Mukumbuta Nawa. Yet as coiled up as his love is for women, he humbly submits this text to the women of Africa and beyond as a catalyst of change.
Missionary wanted for rape, defilement in Makeni on the run
A missionary from New Zealand, Mr DJ Wells, age 41, is on the run from Police, wanted for rape of a young girl, the Watchdog has been told.+
For some ten years he has been the Principal of a Christian School, Grace Academy of Makeni in Lusaka.
A source told the Watchdog that : ” Staff have known for a long time about his active sex life with Teachers in the school and maids, and suspected defilement of children was also happening, but because of constant threats to stay quiet and a belief that he would get away with things anyway, they did remain quiet. The situation has continued for a long time, with DJ Wells often preaching at the Eternal Life Assembly in Makeni where he was an Elder.
“Before Christmas things turned against DJ Wells.
Staff decided they would speak out anyway, and at the end of January Mr Wells and his whole family were turned out of their home on the School plot by Dr Solomon Jere, Deputy Commissioner of Police. The family moved to an address in Rhodes Park, and in their absence from the school the girl pupils were medically examined. A number suspected of being defiled by Mr Wells were found to have lost their virginity. Most are still silent about who has abused them, but one who was not even ten at the time named “Uncle Wells”.
”Police went to arrest him one evening, only to find he had been driven to Lusaka Airport that same afternoon. Zambian Police are now initiating an international hunt for Mr Wells, while staff and pupils at the school try to recover from many negative impacts of the situation.”
According to their motto, Grace Academy, in the Makeni area of Lusaka, provides quality education to children aged over 5. The majority of thier pupils come from what are technically known as ‘underprivileged’ backgrounds, and they provide not only all materials and clothing needed for schooling but also meals and extra curricular activities
For some ten years he has been the Principal of a Christian School, Grace Academy of Makeni in Lusaka.
A source told the Watchdog that : ” Staff have known for a long time about his active sex life with Teachers in the school and maids, and suspected defilement of children was also happening, but because of constant threats to stay quiet and a belief that he would get away with things anyway, they did remain quiet. The situation has continued for a long time, with DJ Wells often preaching at the Eternal Life Assembly in Makeni where he was an Elder.
“Before Christmas things turned against DJ Wells.
Staff decided they would speak out anyway, and at the end of January Mr Wells and his whole family were turned out of their home on the School plot by Dr Solomon Jere, Deputy Commissioner of Police. The family moved to an address in Rhodes Park, and in their absence from the school the girl pupils were medically examined. A number suspected of being defiled by Mr Wells were found to have lost their virginity. Most are still silent about who has abused them, but one who was not even ten at the time named “Uncle Wells”.
”Police went to arrest him one evening, only to find he had been driven to Lusaka Airport that same afternoon. Zambian Police are now initiating an international hunt for Mr Wells, while staff and pupils at the school try to recover from many negative impacts of the situation.”
According to their motto, Grace Academy, in the Makeni area of Lusaka, provides quality education to children aged over 5. The majority of thier pupils come from what are technically known as ‘underprivileged’ backgrounds, and they provide not only all materials and clothing needed for schooling but also meals and extra curricular activities
Two Lusaka Teachers testify in pupil’s defilement case
Two witnesses from Grace Academy in Lusaka’s Makeni area have testified in court in a case in which a 10 year old girl was allegedly defiled.
Karen Kapokola a teacher at the institution told the court that on 18 February 2010 she noticed that the named girl was walking with her legs apart. She said she called the girl and asked her what was wrong and the girl revealed that an elderly man had done what she termed as “bad manners” to her.
Miss Kapokola said at that point she took the girl to the head teacher who later reported the matter to police.
And Grace Academy Head teacher and Acting Principle Josephine Mwanza told the court that she checked the girl’s private parts and took her to the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) for a medical checkup where it was confirmed that the girl had been defiled.
And the 10 year old girl identified the man who she claims had carnal knowledge of her in February.
Facts before the court are that on dates unknown but between 13th and 18th February 2010, 20 year old Dickson Siampika had carnal knowledge of a 10 year old girl in Lusaka’s Misisi compound.
Karen Kapokola a teacher at the institution told the court that on 18 February 2010 she noticed that the named girl was walking with her legs apart. She said she called the girl and asked her what was wrong and the girl revealed that an elderly man had done what she termed as “bad manners” to her.
Miss Kapokola said at that point she took the girl to the head teacher who later reported the matter to police.
And Grace Academy Head teacher and Acting Principle Josephine Mwanza told the court that she checked the girl’s private parts and took her to the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) for a medical checkup where it was confirmed that the girl had been defiled.
And the 10 year old girl identified the man who she claims had carnal knowledge of her in February.
Facts before the court are that on dates unknown but between 13th and 18th February 2010, 20 year old Dickson Siampika had carnal knowledge of a 10 year old girl in Lusaka’s Misisi compound.
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
10 Reasons Why African Men Don't Rock
As the world focuses on Africa this year for the world cup, Africa needs to take a closer look at its men and their leadership roles in Africa and beyond.
In a continent where half the men do not know their daughters birthday, their wedding anniversary or the menstrual cycles of their wives, there is a reason these men are the way they are. It is not for the lack of brilliance. These men know the shoe sizes of Diego Maradona, Ronaldo, and Kaka, the shirt number of the world’s most expensive player and the width of the river Nile. But they are disconnected socially from their mothers, wives, sisters, daughters and in some cases from their fellow men. These men look happy, but the women in their lives are miserable.
This article is not an indictment against Africa’s great men who are standing in the gap and being great husbands, statesmen, brothers and fathers. This article recognizes that such men are there. The trouble is they are the exception rather than the rule.
The hope is that this article will spark a dialogue that will positively affect the next generation so that they are better than the current one. To be a real man after all is not about being closed away from the world you live in, but possessing a worldview that seeks to understand not only sport and nature, but the opposite sex.
1. They Don’t Communicate: They do not just get it. They only speak when they are angry and when they do they yell and shout. They don’t know how to say sorry unless it is to the revenue authority, the police officer and the fire marshal. Their own communications have no emotion or connectivity. They can talk about bridges and high story buildings but not talk about the stories behind the people who built those buildings.
2. They are Too Angry: They have not seen a Psychologist in years. To an African man, the dread of seeing a counselor is the equivalent to a woman’s dread before a visit to the gynecologist.
3. They Love Sex but Hate Romance: Romance is a waste of time. Romance is just another 8th wonder galloping a tourist money and time. Sex for an African man is like a science project whose apparatus change depending on the mood. So the rule of thumb is, “Get it done as soon as you can, get in and get out and make some children while at it.”
4. They Don’t Respect Women: Don’t ask her how her day was, but ask her if dinner is ready. She must respect you but you must never respect her. The only time you respect her is when you are in the presence of her relatives but as soon as you are the two of you, call her all kinds of names as long as they are NOT ‘Sweety, Lovie, Baby or Honey.’
5. They Treat Women like Slaves: The harder she works, the more womanly she is. She must work until her face wrinkles. She must work until her hands blister. She must work until she has no desire to look beautiful for anyone. Some men have never even cooked for their wives or for their children.
6. Too Much Soccer, Too much Politics: If the passion an African man puts in his soccer and his politics was the same passion he put in his woman, the African woman would be ecstatic.
7. Don’t Know what to do with Children: An African man has the libido, energy and sex drive to father an entire village of children, but he does not know how to raise those children. He does not know how to show up at the child’s graduation day, sports day, and career day, not even take their child to the hospital or under-five clinic. The African man gets this from his parents and forefathers. African men have no idea what it means to be hugged or loved by their own fathers.
8. Little Accountability: The African man is not accountable to anyone or any organization but to his own ego. He does not want to account for his wife’s or girlfriend’s money. Nor his sisters or mothers money. No wonder the African man makes a terrible politician. An African man wants a free spirit that hovers around the world without anyone telling it where to land though it is past its landing time.
9. Poor Cosmetic Hygiene: The African man does not like to smell good. He likes to visit the barber to escort his friend but he does not enjoy a clean cut or shave. He would rather shave his own head even if it makes him look like a peacock. The only time an African man looks good is at weddings. All the while the women in his life wish he could just use some deodorant, perfume and cologne. But in the mind of an African man, these are all eccentrics of feminists.
10. Too Educated: An African man has more degrees than an American, European or a Japanese. African men have scavenged the world for the best education. They have sold their goods and properties, divorced themselves from social networks and relocated thousands of miles away in pursuit of education. But the real question is what has that education done for Africa? Zero. Some men in Africa have a dozen degrees; couple dozen diplomas, three dozen certificates, a thousand certificates of attendance and multiple PhD’s. Did I mention MBA’s? Yet education for an African man is a tool for intimidating others with and a bragging right rather than an inner liberation. One of the reasons the Nobel Prices have fewer African’s and more Europeans and Americas is that Africans are still doing their thesis while the other people are in the laboratory and on the ground putting into practice what they have learn.
CONCLUSION: This article is not an indictment against all Africans. Africa has produced some fine men and great scholars and parents who have contributed to the well being of society. These men have liberated Africa from its historic shackles; they have fought imperial powers that colonized not only the continent, but the African mind. To these men and women we say thank you.
We still have a long way to go. Our actions and interventions now will ensure that we liberate the next generation.
Human rights in Africa are just another academic work. Women in Zambia for example work long hours; travel long distances to draw water, still carry buckets to the labor ward for disposal or waste. Children across Africa are still child soldiers, street kids, and child fathers and mothers. All this while African leaders (majority of who are men) fly around in luxury, detached from society, content with cheap political mileage and abuse power with impunity.
Systems in Africa abuse women, abuse children and celebrate mediocre men who are otherwise called politicians. Systems in Africa ridicule men who appear like women only because these men care and are connected with their gentle side.
This article is not a slander or an attack on anyone. It is a tool bar being used to open a discussion that African men through their patriarchal leadership have avoided for years. But times have changed and it is time for African men to come clean and address this area of their lives.
Our women are crying and unfortunately our men a deafened by bouncing echoes of their own success.Or is it really success?
The author Mubita C. Nawa admits that he too is an African man who is struggling with his own upbringing.
1. Interpersonal Skills Training: Men must be taught from an early age what it means to relate to others. It must begin with self relationship. Being in communion with oneself.
2. Redefining Manhood: For generations men have struggled defining who a rue man is. Often the yardsticks are number of children, number of women, and the size of you know what. But time has come to say that a real man is a man whose emotional intelligence is greater than his IQ or even the size of tires on his car. It is time we told men that it is OK to cry.
3. Women must be Women: African men are a bit confused by African women. Women must go back to being mothers, nurturers, guides and gentle souls that men can count on. If our women are misplaced, so too will our men. It is OK for a woman too work, make money, and all. But she must never take the position of a man. She will fail.
4. Dialogue: Men must communicate more. Women must listen too without nagging. Let us talk about where or what we did wrong. Let us talk about it with mutual respect and candor.
5. Fall in Love with Humanity: Men must love their children more than their ‘adult’ toys. Men must love their wives more than their side kicks. Men must love being home more than the sports bar. Men must go back to the basics of life. Men must lead. A true man is a true leader. He is a priest, a prince, and shepherded, a lover and sure enough a man. Men must love people and the process of engaging and interacting with people. That for me is what rocks.
© 2010 Mubita C. Nawa Management Consultancy Limited. This article is written by life coach and international speaker Mubita Nawa for the purposes of edification and uplifting the human soul. No part of this article may be copied or reproduced without the permission of the owner. The article can be quoted or sent to others free of charge as long as full credit is given to the author.
For interviews and questions call: +260978117920 or e.mail [email protected] face book as Mubita Nawa or Twitter @mubitanawa.
If this article has inspired you then all is well. If this article has offended you then all is still well. What matters is that we talk about the things that confront us. God bless you. Share this article with your church, your colleagues, and everyone you know. Make sure you use it in its entirety so that the context is maintained. You can even republish it as long as it’s not for profit. All credit must be given to one Mubita C Nawa; the Lozi African boy with a dream to brings social change to Africa and the world.
In a continent where half the men do not know their daughters birthday, their wedding anniversary or the menstrual cycles of their wives, there is a reason these men are the way they are. It is not for the lack of brilliance. These men know the shoe sizes of Diego Maradona, Ronaldo, and Kaka, the shirt number of the world’s most expensive player and the width of the river Nile. But they are disconnected socially from their mothers, wives, sisters, daughters and in some cases from their fellow men. These men look happy, but the women in their lives are miserable.
This article is not an indictment against Africa’s great men who are standing in the gap and being great husbands, statesmen, brothers and fathers. This article recognizes that such men are there. The trouble is they are the exception rather than the rule.
The hope is that this article will spark a dialogue that will positively affect the next generation so that they are better than the current one. To be a real man after all is not about being closed away from the world you live in, but possessing a worldview that seeks to understand not only sport and nature, but the opposite sex.
1. They Don’t Communicate: They do not just get it. They only speak when they are angry and when they do they yell and shout. They don’t know how to say sorry unless it is to the revenue authority, the police officer and the fire marshal. Their own communications have no emotion or connectivity. They can talk about bridges and high story buildings but not talk about the stories behind the people who built those buildings.
2. They are Too Angry: They have not seen a Psychologist in years. To an African man, the dread of seeing a counselor is the equivalent to a woman’s dread before a visit to the gynecologist.
3. They Love Sex but Hate Romance: Romance is a waste of time. Romance is just another 8th wonder galloping a tourist money and time. Sex for an African man is like a science project whose apparatus change depending on the mood. So the rule of thumb is, “Get it done as soon as you can, get in and get out and make some children while at it.”
4. They Don’t Respect Women: Don’t ask her how her day was, but ask her if dinner is ready. She must respect you but you must never respect her. The only time you respect her is when you are in the presence of her relatives but as soon as you are the two of you, call her all kinds of names as long as they are NOT ‘Sweety, Lovie, Baby or Honey.’
5. They Treat Women like Slaves: The harder she works, the more womanly she is. She must work until her face wrinkles. She must work until her hands blister. She must work until she has no desire to look beautiful for anyone. Some men have never even cooked for their wives or for their children.
6. Too Much Soccer, Too much Politics: If the passion an African man puts in his soccer and his politics was the same passion he put in his woman, the African woman would be ecstatic.
7. Don’t Know what to do with Children: An African man has the libido, energy and sex drive to father an entire village of children, but he does not know how to raise those children. He does not know how to show up at the child’s graduation day, sports day, and career day, not even take their child to the hospital or under-five clinic. The African man gets this from his parents and forefathers. African men have no idea what it means to be hugged or loved by their own fathers.
8. Little Accountability: The African man is not accountable to anyone or any organization but to his own ego. He does not want to account for his wife’s or girlfriend’s money. Nor his sisters or mothers money. No wonder the African man makes a terrible politician. An African man wants a free spirit that hovers around the world without anyone telling it where to land though it is past its landing time.
9. Poor Cosmetic Hygiene: The African man does not like to smell good. He likes to visit the barber to escort his friend but he does not enjoy a clean cut or shave. He would rather shave his own head even if it makes him look like a peacock. The only time an African man looks good is at weddings. All the while the women in his life wish he could just use some deodorant, perfume and cologne. But in the mind of an African man, these are all eccentrics of feminists.
10. Too Educated: An African man has more degrees than an American, European or a Japanese. African men have scavenged the world for the best education. They have sold their goods and properties, divorced themselves from social networks and relocated thousands of miles away in pursuit of education. But the real question is what has that education done for Africa? Zero. Some men in Africa have a dozen degrees; couple dozen diplomas, three dozen certificates, a thousand certificates of attendance and multiple PhD’s. Did I mention MBA’s? Yet education for an African man is a tool for intimidating others with and a bragging right rather than an inner liberation. One of the reasons the Nobel Prices have fewer African’s and more Europeans and Americas is that Africans are still doing their thesis while the other people are in the laboratory and on the ground putting into practice what they have learn.
CONCLUSION: This article is not an indictment against all Africans. Africa has produced some fine men and great scholars and parents who have contributed to the well being of society. These men have liberated Africa from its historic shackles; they have fought imperial powers that colonized not only the continent, but the African mind. To these men and women we say thank you.
We still have a long way to go. Our actions and interventions now will ensure that we liberate the next generation.
Human rights in Africa are just another academic work. Women in Zambia for example work long hours; travel long distances to draw water, still carry buckets to the labor ward for disposal or waste. Children across Africa are still child soldiers, street kids, and child fathers and mothers. All this while African leaders (majority of who are men) fly around in luxury, detached from society, content with cheap political mileage and abuse power with impunity.
Systems in Africa abuse women, abuse children and celebrate mediocre men who are otherwise called politicians. Systems in Africa ridicule men who appear like women only because these men care and are connected with their gentle side.
This article is not a slander or an attack on anyone. It is a tool bar being used to open a discussion that African men through their patriarchal leadership have avoided for years. But times have changed and it is time for African men to come clean and address this area of their lives.
Our women are crying and unfortunately our men a deafened by bouncing echoes of their own success.Or is it really success?
The author Mubita C. Nawa admits that he too is an African man who is struggling with his own upbringing.
1. Interpersonal Skills Training: Men must be taught from an early age what it means to relate to others. It must begin with self relationship. Being in communion with oneself.
2. Redefining Manhood: For generations men have struggled defining who a rue man is. Often the yardsticks are number of children, number of women, and the size of you know what. But time has come to say that a real man is a man whose emotional intelligence is greater than his IQ or even the size of tires on his car. It is time we told men that it is OK to cry.
3. Women must be Women: African men are a bit confused by African women. Women must go back to being mothers, nurturers, guides and gentle souls that men can count on. If our women are misplaced, so too will our men. It is OK for a woman too work, make money, and all. But she must never take the position of a man. She will fail.
4. Dialogue: Men must communicate more. Women must listen too without nagging. Let us talk about where or what we did wrong. Let us talk about it with mutual respect and candor.
5. Fall in Love with Humanity: Men must love their children more than their ‘adult’ toys. Men must love their wives more than their side kicks. Men must love being home more than the sports bar. Men must go back to the basics of life. Men must lead. A true man is a true leader. He is a priest, a prince, and shepherded, a lover and sure enough a man. Men must love people and the process of engaging and interacting with people. That for me is what rocks.
© 2010 Mubita C. Nawa Management Consultancy Limited. This article is written by life coach and international speaker Mubita Nawa for the purposes of edification and uplifting the human soul. No part of this article may be copied or reproduced without the permission of the owner. The article can be quoted or sent to others free of charge as long as full credit is given to the author.
For interviews and questions call: +260978117920 or e.mail [email protected] face book as Mubita Nawa or Twitter @mubitanawa.
If this article has inspired you then all is well. If this article has offended you then all is still well. What matters is that we talk about the things that confront us. God bless you. Share this article with your church, your colleagues, and everyone you know. Make sure you use it in its entirety so that the context is maintained. You can even republish it as long as it’s not for profit. All credit must be given to one Mubita C Nawa; the Lozi African boy with a dream to brings social change to Africa and the world.
Thursday, 1 April 2010
IMF on Zambia's Economic Outlook
The IMF have concluded their mission to Zambia, with an offer for more balance of payments support to "ease the adjustment to the external shock"and "support the Bank of Zambia's ability to maintain orderly foreign exchange market conditions " :
Statement at the Conclusion of an IMF Staff Mission to Zambia Press Release, March 4, 2009 :
An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission visited Zambia during February 18-March 4, 2009 to continue discussions for the first and second reviews of the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF) arrangement that was approved in June 2008. The mission met with the Minister of Finance and National Planning, Hon. Dr. Situmbeko Musokotwane, Bank of Zambia Governor, Dr. Caleb Fundanga, and other senior officials, as well as representatives of the business community, labor unions, civil society, and Zambia's cooperating partners.Mr. Francesco Caramazza, mission chief for Zambia, issued the following statement at the conclusion of the mission today:"Following an extended period of robust expansion, economic growth in Zambia is slowing as a result of the global financial crisis. The mining sector, a mainstay of the Zambian economy, has been hard hit by the sharp fall in copper prices since mid-2008, which has resulted in cutbacks in production and the scaling back or suspension of expansion projects. Sectors with links to the copper industry are also being adversely affected, as are other sectors facing weaker external or domestic demand. The reduced foreign exchange inflows from the mining sector, along with outflows of portfolio capital, have led to a steep depreciation of the Kwacha. The depreciation is part of the necessary adjustment to the deterioration in Zambia's terms of trade. Zambia's strengthened macroeconomic position in the past several years, the fruit of sound policies, provides a solid basis from which to adjust to the weaker external environment."The government is responding appropriately to the changed economic circumstances. Within the framework of a narrower fiscal space, due to reduced tax revenue, the proposed 2009 budget strikes a balance between increasing domestically-financed infrastructure spending in support of diversification of the economy and maintaining macroeconomic stability. Moreover, the required domestic financing of the budget deficit leaves room for substantial private sector credit growth. Monetary policy continues to aim at bringing inflation down to single digits over the medium term. The easing of inflation in the first two months of the year indicates that significant progress towards this objective should be attainable this year."The exchange rate of the Kwacha will continue to be market-determined. Since October 2008, the Kwacha has depreciated broadly in keeping with the changed fundamental determinants of the exchange rate. However, persistent uncertainty about global economic prospects and their impact on the domestic economy, in a thin market with volatile expectations, has, at times, resulted in intense pressure in the foreign exchange market. The Bank of Zambia has responded appropriately to exchange market pressures by providing, when necessary, foreign exchange to the market from the reserves it has built up in recent years. To ease the adjustment to the external shock Zambia has experienced and support the Bank of Zambia's ability to maintain orderly foreign exchange market conditions, the IMF stands ready to provide substantial additional balance of payments support under the PRGF arrangement."The authorities and the mission reached agreement on structural measures for 2009 to complement the macroeconomic framework. The program will continue to focus on improving public financial management,advancing financial sector development, and implementing policies to ensure an adequate and reliable supply of electricity."The mission will continue its work in Washington, D.C., in close consultation with the authorities, with a view to completing the first and second reviews under the PRGF arrangement in late April or early May
Statement at the Conclusion of an IMF Staff Mission to Zambia Press Release, March 4, 2009 :
An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission visited Zambia during February 18-March 4, 2009 to continue discussions for the first and second reviews of the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF) arrangement that was approved in June 2008. The mission met with the Minister of Finance and National Planning, Hon. Dr. Situmbeko Musokotwane, Bank of Zambia Governor, Dr. Caleb Fundanga, and other senior officials, as well as representatives of the business community, labor unions, civil society, and Zambia's cooperating partners.Mr. Francesco Caramazza, mission chief for Zambia, issued the following statement at the conclusion of the mission today:"Following an extended period of robust expansion, economic growth in Zambia is slowing as a result of the global financial crisis. The mining sector, a mainstay of the Zambian economy, has been hard hit by the sharp fall in copper prices since mid-2008, which has resulted in cutbacks in production and the scaling back or suspension of expansion projects. Sectors with links to the copper industry are also being adversely affected, as are other sectors facing weaker external or domestic demand. The reduced foreign exchange inflows from the mining sector, along with outflows of portfolio capital, have led to a steep depreciation of the Kwacha. The depreciation is part of the necessary adjustment to the deterioration in Zambia's terms of trade. Zambia's strengthened macroeconomic position in the past several years, the fruit of sound policies, provides a solid basis from which to adjust to the weaker external environment."The government is responding appropriately to the changed economic circumstances. Within the framework of a narrower fiscal space, due to reduced tax revenue, the proposed 2009 budget strikes a balance between increasing domestically-financed infrastructure spending in support of diversification of the economy and maintaining macroeconomic stability. Moreover, the required domestic financing of the budget deficit leaves room for substantial private sector credit growth. Monetary policy continues to aim at bringing inflation down to single digits over the medium term. The easing of inflation in the first two months of the year indicates that significant progress towards this objective should be attainable this year."The exchange rate of the Kwacha will continue to be market-determined. Since October 2008, the Kwacha has depreciated broadly in keeping with the changed fundamental determinants of the exchange rate. However, persistent uncertainty about global economic prospects and their impact on the domestic economy, in a thin market with volatile expectations, has, at times, resulted in intense pressure in the foreign exchange market. The Bank of Zambia has responded appropriately to exchange market pressures by providing, when necessary, foreign exchange to the market from the reserves it has built up in recent years. To ease the adjustment to the external shock Zambia has experienced and support the Bank of Zambia's ability to maintain orderly foreign exchange market conditions, the IMF stands ready to provide substantial additional balance of payments support under the PRGF arrangement."The authorities and the mission reached agreement on structural measures for 2009 to complement the macroeconomic framework. The program will continue to focus on improving public financial management,advancing financial sector development, and implementing policies to ensure an adequate and reliable supply of electricity."The mission will continue its work in Washington, D.C., in close consultation with the authorities, with a view to completing the first and second reviews under the PRGF arrangement in late April or early May
History Part 1 Chitalu Zambia Greatest Player or Not?
Chitalu was born in the Zambian Copperbelt town of Luanshya in a rough neighbourhood called Mikomfwa where youths got involved in various vices besides playing barefoot football. It is believed that these early experiences helped shape his character.
He first tried his luck with local team Roan United in the mid-1960s but was ignored by the coaches and only got as far as the reserves. Frustrated, he packed his bags and headed for the neighbouring town of Kitwe where he joined Kitwe United in 1967 and soon started playing regularly for the team, quickly became a crowd favourite at Buchi stadium. As much as he was an exciting striker with an eye for goal, Chitalu’s temperament and disciplinary record left much to be desired. The young striker did all sorts of appalling things on the pitch – arguing with referees, punching and head-butting opponents (and at times erring teammates), as well as spitting and hurling insults at them. As a result, he was often in bad books with football authorities, earning himself a reputation as ‘the bad boy of Zambian football.’ In one particular incident, he was shown a red card by the late referee Arthur Davies for giving him a false name during a booking. The name? Former Manchester United and Scotland striker Denis Law’s.
Chitalu earned a call-up to the national team although the coaches did not make him their preferred striker as he was regarded as being too individualistic though his talent could not be ignored for long as he won the inaugural ‘Footballer of the Year’ award in 1968 though his disciplinary problems were still very much around for he was banned for about half of the season in 1969 and for a while, he considered quitting football. He instead overcame his demons and in 1970 moved to Kabwe Warriors for a then record fee in Zambian football where his discipline improved as did his style of play and at the end of the year he scooped his second ‘Footballer of the Year’ award.
In 1972 Warriors swept all the silverware on offer and Chitalu scored an outrageous 107 goals in all competitions – a record that still stands to this day. At the time, Union Carbide, the manufacturer of UCAR batteries was sponsoring football commentaries on radio and renowned Zambian football commentator Dennis Liwewe would go “…Godfrey Chitalu, super charged like a UCAR battery…” and the nickname of Ucar was born.
At his peak many defenders confessed that he was a difficult customer to handle as he not only used his skills but also had a way of psyching out his markers by verbal attacks and bragging. Despite his goal-scoring reputation, he was still not the first choice striker for Zambia, falling behind Bernard ‘Bomber’ Chanda and Simon ‘Kaodi’ Kaushi in the pecking order when Ante Buselic was in charge of the national team from 1971 to 1976.
Chitalu featured for Zambia at the 1974 Africa Cup of Nations and scored a goal in Zambia’s 3-1 loss to Egypt. Zambia reached the final with Chanda and Kaushi grabbing the headlines where they lost to Zaire after a replay. After the Nations Cup, Chitalu was dropped from the national team but he made a comeback a year and a half later after Lieutenant Colonel Brightwell Banda took charge of the team, recalling the goal king for a crucial World Cup tie against Uganda on February 27, 1977 in Ndola. Chitalu, who was turning 30 that year returned the favour by firing a 2 goal salvo to eliminate Uganda from the World Cup race.
5 months later Chitalu repeated the feat on June 26, 1977 in a Nations Cup Qualifier against Algeria with Zambia trailing 2-0 from the first leg in Algiers. He scored a brilliant brace to force a 2-2 draw and Zambia prevailed 5-4 on spot kicks. In the month when he turned 30, Chitalu scored 5 goals in the East & Central Africa Challenge Cup which Zambia lost in the final to Uganda on penalties. His efforts were rewarded at the end of the year with the Sportsman of the Year award although he narrowly missed out on the Footballer of the Year award.
The following year, Chitalu graced his second Nations Cup but Zambia lost him in the first game to injury and were eliminated in the 1st round of the tournament. Later in the year, he made another impression in the East and Central Africa Challenge Cup in Malawi where he finished top scorer with 11 goals, including 4 in a 9-0 thrashing of Kenya. Zambia unfortunately lost to Malawi 3-2 in the final.
Chitalu became the first player to win the Footballer of the Year award in two consecutive seasons in 1978-79 and the following year, he represented Zambia at the Moscow Olympic games after Egypt withdrew for political reasons and Zambia were nominated to take their place. He was the oldest member of the team and he scored a goal against the mighty Soviet Union in a 3-1 defeat.
In 1981, Chitalu was bestowed with the Order of Distinguished Service (ODS) Second Division by Zambian President Kenneth Kaunda and that same year, commentator Dennis Liwewe released an LP entitled Godfrey Chitalu in his honour, featuring tribute songs and commentary excerpts of Chitalu’s goals which sold like hot cakes.
Chitalu’s image was also reproduced on boxes of Match Corporation matches and in 1982 the former ‘bad boy of Zambian soccer’ retired from active football but not before FIFA had awarded him with an ‘Achievement Recognition Award’ for the 107 goals he had scored in 1972.
He first tried his luck with local team Roan United in the mid-1960s but was ignored by the coaches and only got as far as the reserves. Frustrated, he packed his bags and headed for the neighbouring town of Kitwe where he joined Kitwe United in 1967 and soon started playing regularly for the team, quickly became a crowd favourite at Buchi stadium. As much as he was an exciting striker with an eye for goal, Chitalu’s temperament and disciplinary record left much to be desired. The young striker did all sorts of appalling things on the pitch – arguing with referees, punching and head-butting opponents (and at times erring teammates), as well as spitting and hurling insults at them. As a result, he was often in bad books with football authorities, earning himself a reputation as ‘the bad boy of Zambian football.’ In one particular incident, he was shown a red card by the late referee Arthur Davies for giving him a false name during a booking. The name? Former Manchester United and Scotland striker Denis Law’s.
Chitalu earned a call-up to the national team although the coaches did not make him their preferred striker as he was regarded as being too individualistic though his talent could not be ignored for long as he won the inaugural ‘Footballer of the Year’ award in 1968 though his disciplinary problems were still very much around for he was banned for about half of the season in 1969 and for a while, he considered quitting football. He instead overcame his demons and in 1970 moved to Kabwe Warriors for a then record fee in Zambian football where his discipline improved as did his style of play and at the end of the year he scooped his second ‘Footballer of the Year’ award.
In 1972 Warriors swept all the silverware on offer and Chitalu scored an outrageous 107 goals in all competitions – a record that still stands to this day. At the time, Union Carbide, the manufacturer of UCAR batteries was sponsoring football commentaries on radio and renowned Zambian football commentator Dennis Liwewe would go “…Godfrey Chitalu, super charged like a UCAR battery…” and the nickname of Ucar was born.
At his peak many defenders confessed that he was a difficult customer to handle as he not only used his skills but also had a way of psyching out his markers by verbal attacks and bragging. Despite his goal-scoring reputation, he was still not the first choice striker for Zambia, falling behind Bernard ‘Bomber’ Chanda and Simon ‘Kaodi’ Kaushi in the pecking order when Ante Buselic was in charge of the national team from 1971 to 1976.
Chitalu featured for Zambia at the 1974 Africa Cup of Nations and scored a goal in Zambia’s 3-1 loss to Egypt. Zambia reached the final with Chanda and Kaushi grabbing the headlines where they lost to Zaire after a replay. After the Nations Cup, Chitalu was dropped from the national team but he made a comeback a year and a half later after Lieutenant Colonel Brightwell Banda took charge of the team, recalling the goal king for a crucial World Cup tie against Uganda on February 27, 1977 in Ndola. Chitalu, who was turning 30 that year returned the favour by firing a 2 goal salvo to eliminate Uganda from the World Cup race.
5 months later Chitalu repeated the feat on June 26, 1977 in a Nations Cup Qualifier against Algeria with Zambia trailing 2-0 from the first leg in Algiers. He scored a brilliant brace to force a 2-2 draw and Zambia prevailed 5-4 on spot kicks. In the month when he turned 30, Chitalu scored 5 goals in the East & Central Africa Challenge Cup which Zambia lost in the final to Uganda on penalties. His efforts were rewarded at the end of the year with the Sportsman of the Year award although he narrowly missed out on the Footballer of the Year award.
The following year, Chitalu graced his second Nations Cup but Zambia lost him in the first game to injury and were eliminated in the 1st round of the tournament. Later in the year, he made another impression in the East and Central Africa Challenge Cup in Malawi where he finished top scorer with 11 goals, including 4 in a 9-0 thrashing of Kenya. Zambia unfortunately lost to Malawi 3-2 in the final.
Chitalu became the first player to win the Footballer of the Year award in two consecutive seasons in 1978-79 and the following year, he represented Zambia at the Moscow Olympic games after Egypt withdrew for political reasons and Zambia were nominated to take their place. He was the oldest member of the team and he scored a goal against the mighty Soviet Union in a 3-1 defeat.
In 1981, Chitalu was bestowed with the Order of Distinguished Service (ODS) Second Division by Zambian President Kenneth Kaunda and that same year, commentator Dennis Liwewe released an LP entitled Godfrey Chitalu in his honour, featuring tribute songs and commentary excerpts of Chitalu’s goals which sold like hot cakes.
Chitalu’s image was also reproduced on boxes of Match Corporation matches and in 1982 the former ‘bad boy of Zambian soccer’ retired from active football but not before FIFA had awarded him with an ‘Achievement Recognition Award’ for the 107 goals he had scored in 1972.
In the next few days we will examine what the political leaders say and why we should vote for the them. Here I wish to state that Zambia Insights dose not take any sides but gives you the campaign slogans and verbalism of the aspiring people its up to you the people to debate and see what is best for you the people
Today we start of with HH and UPND.
5 Reasons to Vote HH and UPND
1. UPND will create more and better jobs with pension and raise your income tax reduction
2. UPND will provide you with quality health care and food supply
3. UPND will invest in schools, teachers and training and provide quality and free education for all
4. UPND will work for all people in Zambia without discrimination
5. UPND will provide clean and experienced leaders and candidates who care for you to bring change for a better future.
Lets discuss the above if need be lets delve a little deeper and ask the questions as this is how we will form better choices for us and the future of Zambia. We and Zambia Insights are currently working on getting the various leaders to do live chats with you the people.
Today we start of with HH and UPND.
5 Reasons to Vote HH and UPND
1. UPND will create more and better jobs with pension and raise your income tax reduction
2. UPND will provide you with quality health care and food supply
3. UPND will invest in schools, teachers and training and provide quality and free education for all
4. UPND will work for all people in Zambia without discrimination
5. UPND will provide clean and experienced leaders and candidates who care for you to bring change for a better future.
Lets discuss the above if need be lets delve a little deeper and ask the questions as this is how we will form better choices for us and the future of Zambia. We and Zambia Insights are currently working on getting the various leaders to do live chats with you the people.
MMD leadership is Not Fit for Purpose-HH

United Party for National Development (UPND) leader Hakainde Hichilema has charged that the perennial floods in country are as a result of the poor political leadership standards of the Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD).Speaking to 5fm, Hichilema said the ruling party’s leadership is pathetic, adding that if it was excellent the country would have proper drainage systems and proper settlements and surroundings.He appealed to the MMD to improve its leadership standards if the country is to improve and boast of national development.
MMD Has failed to Stop Sata

It would seem that the attempt by the MMD to prevent PF leader Michael Sata to stand for president in 2011 is failing.
The MMD seems to be in utter confusion and would resort to any means including forgery.
The latest attempt of saying Sata was arrested for a criminal offence before independence and therefore should not contest is ridiculous. It’s clear and the MMD knows that Sata was arrested for political reasons.
And since he was arrested for political reasons, he can not be barred. That would mean that all our founding fathers who were jailed for fighting for our freedom do not qualify to hold political office.
But if you read between the lines, the MMD are careful with their language. They are only saying Sata was arrested for ‘a criminal offence’ and therefore lied to the Chief Justice on two occasion when in filing his presidential nominations said he has never been jailed.
The reason for this sort of language is simple. They will push through with this case even when they know the truth.
Home Affairs minister Lameck Mangani says ‘the prisons department is keen to dig deeper to find the truth on Mr. Sata’s past…the whole investigation process will take longer as the alleged criminal activity took place in the 1960s.’
Forgery, intimidation and bribery is what will be taking place during this long period Mangani is referring to. They can actually come up with fake records, after all they control the state.
But why is the MMD so afraid of Sata that they will go this extent. First it was about his age until they were reminded that their leader Rupiah Banda is older than Sata.
They moved to health. It couldn’t work as well since Sata now looks much more helthier than most MMD leaders and their wives.
They are still betting on the degree requirement for president. But they are also not sure here because they do no know whether he has a degree or not.
So they are not sleeping. They won’t sleep untill they are sure that he has been stopped from standing.
But this is very sad and a bad precedent for our country. There are more legitimate ways of stopping Sata.
They simply have to perform to the expectations of the electorates. Stop the unnecessary trips abroad. Provide farmers with inputs on time. Put proper drainage systems in the country. Reduce the size of cabinet. Stop selling the country to China and generally stop stealing etc.
That way Sata will become irrelevant. But because of this folly, the government, instead of working, is diverting it’s efforts to Sata.
But now Sata is smiling. He knows that the government is wasting time on him instead of delivering. And whenn the time to campaign comes innthe next few months, he will simply ask, what have they done for you?
As for him, he will simply say, in 90 days, I will this and that. And the people will be willing to try.
But then, the MMD will rig the elections like they have always done. So why are they worried?
Post Metadata
April 1st, 2010
The Human Rights Commission says the project to computerize the judiciary in Zambia once completed will speed up the process of administering justice in the country.
Speaking in an interview, Commission Director Enock Mulembe says the computerization of the judicial system will also provide a proper way of record keeping thereby ensuring a fair dispensation of justice. He says detaining suspects for over 14 days without trial has always been the concern of the Human Rights Commission.
Mr Mulembe said that a quick and fair trial is not only a human right but also a democratic right which every Zambian citizen is entitled to.
The Supreme, High and Magistrate courts have been earmarked for the computerization project.
The project is being facilitated by a grant from the Investment Facility for Africa IFCA which pumping in US$ 500,000 representing 75 percent while the remaining 25% will be covered by government.
Speaking in an interview, Commission Director Enock Mulembe says the computerization of the judicial system will also provide a proper way of record keeping thereby ensuring a fair dispensation of justice. He says detaining suspects for over 14 days without trial has always been the concern of the Human Rights Commission.
Mr Mulembe said that a quick and fair trial is not only a human right but also a democratic right which every Zambian citizen is entitled to.
The Supreme, High and Magistrate courts have been earmarked for the computerization project.
The project is being facilitated by a grant from the Investment Facility for Africa IFCA which pumping in US$ 500,000 representing 75 percent while the remaining 25% will be covered by government.

Second republican president Frederick Chiluba has voiced out on the red card campaign describing it as illegal.
The red card campaign being spearheaded by Father Frank Bwalya and a consortium of civil society organizations seeks among other objectives to force government to appeal against the acquittal of Dr Chiluba.
Dr. Chiluba’s spokesperson Emmanuel Mwamba said the whole campaign is illegal and should not be allowed to continue.
Mr. Mwamba said the red card campaign is aimed at removing the legitimate government from power.
He added that Dr Chiluba is not bothered by the campaign being championed by the civil society organizations because it is illegal.
Mr. Mwamba has also said civil society organizations championing the red card campaign should not pretend to be fighting for the Zambian people when they are just pursuing their selfish agendas.
Mr. Mwamba said Zambians are not calling for the appeal against the acquittal of Dr Chiluba.
The red card campaign being spearheaded by Father Frank Bwalya and a consortium of civil society organizations seeks among other objectives to force government to appeal against the acquittal of Dr Chiluba.
Dr. Chiluba’s spokesperson Emmanuel Mwamba said the whole campaign is illegal and should not be allowed to continue.
Mr. Mwamba said the red card campaign is aimed at removing the legitimate government from power.
He added that Dr Chiluba is not bothered by the campaign being championed by the civil society organizations because it is illegal.
Mr. Mwamba has also said civil society organizations championing the red card campaign should not pretend to be fighting for the Zambian people when they are just pursuing their selfish agendas.
Mr. Mwamba said Zambians are not calling for the appeal against the acquittal of Dr Chiluba.